Friday, December 9, 2011

First Post...

It is amazing how much time can be spent laboring over some little detail in our life and how little time we spend thinking about other decisions that may have much more far reaching trying to name your blog.  Truth be told, it is not like I struggled for days...but there was a bit of angst in committing to the words I typed...and retyped...and reformatted.  I wanted the title to connect to many topics under the umbrella of "health & fitness" and speak to my general philosophy.  I think I met this goal, but as I "fill out" the structure of my blog, I will include a description (as yet undone) where I clarify or define what I mean by balance...I will say now though, balance does not necessarily mean "equal". 

The subtitle "Healthy & Happy" comes from that well used phrase "all I want is for my (fill in the blank) is to be happy and healthy"- whether it comes from expectant parents upon inquiry about their preference for a girl or a boy or a parent discussing a decision that an older or adult child has made.  The statement generally comes from the heart and is really acknowledging a lack of control over a situation and striking right for the ultimate desire...our children to be happy and healthy.  What we want for our children, we should want for be happy and healthy.  Of this, we have a bit more control (and often, more than a bit) and we should be as willing to fight for those things for ourselves as we would be for our children.  Sometimes, that simply requires us to stop sweating the small details and put more effort into the big ones (health is not accomplished simply by the contents of one meal, but by the general practice of eating well.)  Sometimes it requires commitment over motivation (I don't feel like moving off the couch or out of the computer chair, but I need to do so...). 

It is sometimes hard...but sometimes it becomes less so...and, sometimes, it is surprisingly easy.  But ultimately, it is always something we should seek.  Balance in our lives, balance in our bodies...happy and healthy. 

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